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Join us on the last Thursday of the month for our third webinar of the series titled:

"Soaring Como las Águilas: New Scholar Symposium"

This month we will highlight and celebrate our new scholars contributing to the California Community College field. The webinar will be led by Dra. Michelle Batista, COLEGAS President and Vice President of Student Services at Lake Tahoe Community College.

Our panel of experts will feature the following: Diego Espinoza, Dean of Counseling, Student Success, and Equity at Gavilan College, Dra. Abigail Garcia Patton, Dean of Academic Pathways and Student Success at Chabot College, Dr. John Ulloa, Interim Dean of Language Arts & Social Science at West Valley College, Dra. Linda Vázquez, Assistant Vice Chancellor for State and Federal Relations at California Community Colleges and Dra. Citlali Gonzales, Associate Dean of Counseling at Mt. San Jacinto College.

We will have an opportunity for Q&A with our panelists.


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